NSVMGA sponsors a variety of programs in Warren County, Virginia, including…
Habitat for Humanity – The EMG program has a joint project with Habitat for Humanity, currently in Frederick and Warren counties, working with new homeowners to design and execute landscaping for their properties. This enhances their property value and supports them in the path to owning and maintaining their own homes. We work together with homeowners to design their gardens and landscapes, so that the gardens are ones that they want and can maintain over time. We teach them about gardening and about the plants we choose. This project began in 2022 and has the ability to work with Habitat in any of the five counties covered by our EMG unit.
Samuels Public Library Indoor Plants Demonstration and Education – Extension Master Gardeners demonstrate the benefit of indoor plants by caring for the plants in the library. Look for QR codes on the plant labels to learn more about each of the plants. In addition, our volunteers provide periodic educational events to the community on consumer horticulture topics and are on hand with our Ask a Master Gardener table during library events.
Samuels Public Library Nature Explorers – Extension Master Gardeners provide periodic workshops at the library for “Wee Ones” (3-6 year-olds) and “Elementary Green Thumbs” (7-11 year-olds). Watch our “Save the Date” box for updates. Parent/guardian must accompany children; no drop offs are allowed.
- Flowers Around the World, August 24
- Wee Ones (3-6 year-olds), 11:oo-11:45 a.m. Register through Samuels Public Library.
- Elementary Green Thumbs (7-11 year-olds), 12:00-12:45 p.m. Register through Samuels Public Library.
- Bird Travels
- Birdseeds for Wee Ones (3-6 year-olds), 11:oo-11:45 a.m. Register through Samuels Public Library.
- Birdseeds for Elementary Green Thumbs (7-11 year-olds), 12:00-12:45 p.m. Register through Samuels Public Library.
Seed Lending Library – Extension Master Gardeners offer free seeds at Samuels Public Library in Front Royal. Learn the satisfaction and benefits of gardening then harvest and return a portion of the seeds to the library to share with others.
Warren County Fair– Extension Master Gardeners staff an information booth at the annual Warren County Fair. They answer homeowners questions about gardening and share information about the VCE Master Gardener program.
Warren Heritage Society Demonstration Gardens – Throughout the growing season, Extension Master Gardeners lead Warren Heritage Society staff and volunteers as well as members of the public in the proper care of perennials, herbs, and pollinator plants during weekly work sessions. There will be occasional hands-on education sessions and demonstrations for home schoolers, during history camps, and in conjunction with other Heritage Society events. Look for QR codes on the plant labels to learn more about the plants in the garden.
To learn more about the projects that take place in Warren County or to get help with your home gardening questions, contact us at:
- Phone: 540-635-4549
- Email: GreenHelpLine.WarrenCo@gmail.com
- Help Desk Hours: Every Monday (except holidays), April through September, 10 a.m. –1 p.m.
- Location: VCE Office, Warren County Government Center, 220 N Commerce Ave, Suite 500, Front Royal, VA 22630