If you have questions about the Extension Master Gardener program, you can email us at nsvmganews@gmail.com or e-mail Joanne Royaltey, Consumer Horticulture and Invasive Species Program Associate, royaltey@vt.edu.
If you have questions about garden related issues, call or email your local county help lines, listed below.
The Northern Shenandoah Valley Master Gardener Association offers free help to area homeowners through our “Ask a Master Gardener” Help Desks. Contact the volunteers in any of our five counties and they will research and answer your gardening-related questions. You can show us pictures to help with identifying plants and diagnosing plant diseases and/or pests. Master Gardener volunteers will share the latest research-based care advice for lawns, trees, shrubs, and vegetables, as well as promote safe use of pesticides and fertilizers to help protect water quality and the environment.
County “Ask A Master Gardener” Contacts:
Clarke County
- Drop-off location and hours: VCE Office, 524 Westwood Rd., Berryville, VA; Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m.
- E-mail: ClarkeCountyAskAMG@gmail.com
- Phone: 540-955-5164
- Clarke County Farmers Market in 2024: June 8, August 10, and October 12, 8 a.m.–Noon
Frederick County
- Location: VCE Office, 107 North Kent Street, Winchester, VA
- Help Desk Hours: Every Wednesday, 10 a.m.–Noon
- E-mail: GreenHelpLine.FrederickCo@gmail.com
- Phone: 540-665-5699
- Winchester Farmers Market: First Tuesday and Third Saturday of each month, May–September, 9 a.m.–1 p.m.
Page County
- Drop-off location and hours: VCE Office, 215 W. Main St., Suite C, Stanley, VA; Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
- E-mail: pagecounty.ask.a.mg@gmail.com
- Phone: 540-778-5794
- Plant Clinic at Massanutten Country Corner: Second and Fourth Saturdays of each month, April–October, 10 a.m.–Noon
Shenandoah County
- Location: VCE Office and Classroom, Shenandoah County Government Center, 600 N. Main St., Suite 100, Woodstock, VA
- Help Desk Hours: First and third Fridays, May through September, 9 a.m. –Noon; First Fridays only, October through April, 9 a.m.–Noon
- E-mail: greenhelpline@gmail.com
- Phone: 540-459-6140
- South Street Barn Farmers Market: Fourth Saturday of each month, June–August, 9:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m.
- Strasburg Farmers Market: First and third Saturdays of each month, April 20–October, 8:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m.
Warren County
- Location: VCE Office, Warren County Government Center, 220 N. Commerce Ave., Suite 500, Front Royal, VA
- Help Desk Hours: Every Monday (except holidays), April through October, 10 a.m. –1 p.m.
- E-mail: GreenHelpLine.WarrenCo@gmail.com
- Phone: 540-635-4549
Northern Shenandoah Valley Master Gardener Association
- President: Rochelle Dornatt
- Vice President: Julie Edmonds
- Treasurer: Jerry Jellets
- Secretary: Delynda Hendricks
- Past President: Jenn Flitton Adams
Advisory Board
- Virginia Master Gardener Association Rep: Jennifer Flitton Adams
- Volunteer Coordinator: Elaine Specht
- County Coordinators:
- Clarke: Sue Scarborough
- Frederick: Carole Belkin, Elaine Kaiser
- Page: Nancy Reed
- Shenandoah: Mary Jane Korrigan
- Warren: Susan Matyuf
Standing Committee Chairs
- Communications and Publicity: Brigitte Grimm and TBD
- Newsletter: Ann Hirschy
- Social Media: Jennifer Flitton Adams, Tammi Loving
- Photo Archive: Jay Tamangan
- Webmaster: Elaine Specht
- E-Marketing: Don Arnold
- E-mail Account: Cynthia Gee
- Education Adventures: Joyce Watson
- Finance: Jerry Jellets
- Membership: Rochelle Dornatt
- Program: Julie Edmonds
- Scholarship: Chris Jorgensen
All members in leadership roles may be contacted at nsvmganews@gmail.com.