June 7, 2025
Belle Grove Plantation
336 Belle Grove Rd., Middletown, VA 22645
About the Event
GardenFest is a day of gardening fun, education, and shopping. It is held annually on the first Saturday of June. The event features plants for sale, vendors, the Master Gardener information booth, Second Hand Rose (rummage sale), tool sharpening, and children’s activities.
GardenFest is hosted by Virginia Cooperative Extension and Belle Grove Plantation with support from the Northern Shenandoah Valley Master Gardener Association.
View our one-page information sheets about plants that have been available at past GardenFests.
Calling Vendors
Now accepting applications for vendors for GardenFest. If you have questions or for a price list and vendor application, please send an email to nsvmgardenfest@gmail.com by March 31, 2025.