Have fun packaging your seed to share! Here are a few ideas to get you started. You’ll find many more by searching online. (For informational purposes only. We don’t endorse any of the websites linked below.)
Seed Envelope Templates
- Simple NSVMGA Cut and Glue or Tape Packet Large (2/page). Pictured at right.
- Simple NSVMGA Cut or Glue Seed Packet Small (4/page).
- Colorful Cut and Glue Packet.
- Two Cut and Glue Packets, one with lines and one without.
Origami style Envelopes (you may want to add some tape or glue stick to prevent accidental opening.)
- Historic Seed Packet, based on 200+ year old seeds found under the floorboards of the Woodlands Mansion. (Scroll to bottom of linked page for template.)
- Two Origami envelope patterns.
- Origami envelope.
- Easy Origami envelope.
- Cut out photos and attach to homemade envelopes.
- Take photos of flowers in bloom and stick them onto envelopes.
- Make small envelopes from colorful scrap paper or magazine pages.
Reuse Small Bottles (Clean Well!)
- Medicine bottles.
- Small jam jars.
- Sample jars.
- Canning jars.
- Spice bottles.
- Cake sprinkle bottles.
- Lidded pudding or yogurt containers.
When packaging seed to share or exchange, please put about 25 clean, dry seeds into a small container. Label with common name, latin name, date, and any growing information you have.